"He has made us, and we are His - His people and the sheep of His pasture."

Sunday, January 29, 2012


"You act like you're under bondage, but you're not."

I woke with a start.  "What do you mean, Lord?  What should I do?", I interrupted.

But God wasn't finished.

"You act like you're under this bondage.  You live like you are.  But you're not.  You are free!  You are free!

That was all He said.  And something changed inside.  I felt a little bolder, a little stronger, and more able to stand against the enemy.  I didn't care as much what people thought anymore.  I knew He was here, and that He was guiding me.  What an incredible upper-hand we have for any trial -- the Creator of the Universe looking out for us. 

This bondage -- what did He mean?  Perhaps it's the way I cower in the corner when Satan condemns me or tries to confuse me.  Maybe it's the way I sit silently with my heart beating out of my chest when I know I need to say something, or how guiltily compelled I feel to "reason with" and "tolerate" untruth, instead of rejecting it.  The bondage probably includes all of those things, and more. 

So what if they laugh?  So what if they kill me?

Here's to living like we're free. 


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